Gluten-Free Sourdough Kit

If you have an allergy to gluten but love the taste of homemade sourdough bread, consider buying a gluten-free sourdough kit. You'll be able to make your own bread from scratch, and not have to worry about suffering from the effects of regular, premade bread made with gluten.

Gluten-free bread contains no wheat, barley, or rye flour, but instead corn starch, tapioca starch, or rice or potato flours, among a few other options, as an alternative. These gluten-free options will still allow you to eat delicious sourdough bread, and incorporate it into your favorite meals throughout the day.

If you prefer to make your own bread, you can buy a handy gluten-free sourdough kit, which may contain flour and a starter, as well as extra, convenient items including a dough scraper, a towel, and a reusable glass jar with a lid. The kit might even include a recipe book for ideas on how to enjoy your sourdough bread.

Not only is making your own sourdough tasty, but it may also help you save money, as you can make several loaves using a starter kit. It may also be healthier than store-bought bread, as it won't contain any artificial flavors or preservatives. 

Here are some ideas for using your gluten-free bread:

1. Sandwiches 

You can replace your regular, store-bought sourdough bread with your homemade version in all of your favorite sandwich recipes. For instance, make a traditional turkey or ham sandwich using sliced deli meat, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise for lunch, or a tuna melt for dinner. 

Since sourdough typically grills up golden brown with crispy with the use of butter, use it to make grilled cheese sandwiches for your whole family. It will work well with any cheese as it has a savory, slightly sour, flavor.

2. Sourdough Dressing 

Give your homemade dressing recipe even more flavor by using sourdough instead of classic white bread. Make the dressing according to your recipe, but swap out the bread types. Serve up the flavorful dressing alongside your holiday favorites, including turkey and gravy, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes. 

3. Sourdough Bread Bowls 

You can use your sourdough kit to make bread bowls instead of just typical loaves. After they are done, simply cut the tops off of the circular loaves, and then hollow out the centers, saving the bread to use later, to make room for the soap.

Ladle any soup of your choice into the bread bowl, and enjoy bowl food items together. Homemade sourdough bread bowls also make great gifts when presented with soup kits.  
